This Site

I'm Evan, this is my personal site where I put articles about software and design. Also, this is a place to vent out my emotions and store cooking recipes. Some of my applications hosted here too.

Below is the site description, its purpose, and desired outcome.

The site serves a self-seeking purpose, I still don't know what I want to do in life. Sometimes technology seems to me so cursed that I want to abandon it; despite this, I think it's good for discovering new ideas and cultures, which I like.

The site unfolds from specific feelings. These feelings cannot be named, but they are my desired outcome. Writing becomes an artefact towards the desired outcome.

I might write stupid or angry things.

Structure & Typography

I tend not to use too many links in each article; I don't want to engage with you, so anything that looks like “read next” or “other interesting posts” is eliminated. An article is a finished piece to read.

One level of titles, not including the top one.

NectoMono is the main font used all over the site. It's a monotype and I crave its aesthetics.

Mazius is used for headlines; titles are in italics contrasting the straight monotype, VulfMono.


The markup itself is classless (almost), I use only selectors. This requires a lot of speculative thinking since I need to think about semantics and context. This aligns well with my OO attitude and aversion for creating more names than it should be.

Articles are written in plain HTML and Postformat.

Pages are built by hand letting the joy of writing never end.